Space Clear your home for a new fresh beginning.
I perform beautiful and very special clearing ceremonies for private homes and in buildings. All the old energetic imprints will be lifted and new vibrations land with more light and joy that supports your dreams to keep manifest.
Why do a space clearing?
If you feel stuck in your life your home is a good place to start working. Clutter clearing and cleaning is doing a great deal but all the old energetic traces from former inhabitants and things that has happened is still hanging like invisible clouds in the corners. These clouds or energetic cob webs holds some heavy energies that affects the flow of your life in a negative way.
Right after a clearing clients express that they feel lighter and more still. Some have the sense that they can fully own and spread into their home energetically. They can breath out in a big way.
Some time after a clearing I have clients telling me they have achieved a lot in a short time without feeling reactive or procastinating. Things they have been wanting is now starting to flow and new opportunities come their way.
When to have a clearing ceremony done?
- when you feel stuck and have been struggling to get things going in your life
- when moving in to a home where people have lived and left imprints the clearing creates a wonderful landing and new beginning for you and your new life
- when you have had a period of grief or heavy emotional processes
- if your home have had unvanted visitors your private precious space have been broken and needs healing for you to feel fully safe again
- if you are going to have a baby it´s both important and also beautiful to honor the baby with a clean space. Babies are super sensitive to spaces.
- if you have divorced and you live in the same home as before you want to reset the space for your new life
- if you move in with someone that has lived for long in the home it makes the merging of your lives easier if a clearing ceremony is done as a way to weave both of you in to the home.
- when you want to move but it seems no new options for a home fall in to place.
- if you struggle to sell your home a clearing ceremony can get the flow going and find the right buyer in a mysterious way.