Hello, I’m Jeanette

I´m convinced that we can have fun and enjoy life even if life is a challenging journey sometimes.

My inner trust that there must be a way to change things whenever I have felt stuck has brought me so many good surprises.

Since 2006 I have used techniques to heal deep levels of myself. I have used feng shui and space clearing to support my journey. I walk my talk and know how the space you live in has a profound and powerful effect on your life.

And so began my journey

Since I was in my twenties I kept feeling that I wanted something more. I had a boyfriend and a job and a home and friends. But it did not feel enough. My boyfriend wanted to get engaged and for us to have kids. His wanting made me get clear on that it was not so for me. I quit my job at the time and got a Bachelor in Psycholgy and moved from my hometown to Stockholm where I worked in a big bank organization.

The inner yearning for something even more did not stop.

I read a book about Clutter Clearing and Feng Shui written by Karen Kingston. I had a very clear moment when I saw Karens picture at the back of the book and I felt “I will work with this woman.” My wanting took me to her courses in Bali and made me fulfill a dream to be able to do deep energic clearing work in buildings.

Via Karen I also found the Meditation School I´m part of. Clairvision School of Meditation is now my spiritual path. I feel this is my family and I have landed into deeper parts of myself.

Finding my truth is an important motivation. Sounds easy but I would say it´s not. But very rewarding when I get through stuff.

My experience is that we need good solid guides to keep ourselves on track. It can be hard when you fall or loose your way if you do not have someone that holds you and can support you to see the way again.

My passion is to create beautiful sacred spaces that nurtures and holds my clients.

Let me know what you need and I will bring clarity and hope in how to get what you want. I help you go from stuckness to feeling free and joyful so you can fulfill your dreams.


Bachelor in Psychology    1992-1996
Mid University Östersund, Sweden

Classical Feng Shui studies   1999-2003
European School of Feng Shui Roger Green, Sweden and France

Flower essence practitioner  2004
Bloesem Remedies Nederland Bram Saahlberg, Sweden

Space Clearing   2006-2012
Courses and part of Karen Kingstons Network, Bali and USA

IST practitioner Meditation and Regression   2006-2009
Clairvision School of Meditation, USA and Australia

Entity clearer   2012
Clairvision School of Meditation, USA